Thursday 28 March 2013

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I believe that the use of synergy works well with my 3 products as both ancillaries have similarities with the main product of the music video. For example, the music video used a lot of colour with the graffiti shots and the flags and the ancillary images both used colours to highlight the Caribbean feature to it, such as the blue and yellow tint to it. Additionally, keeping the flag in the image with the blue and yellow tint also reinforces Cover Drive’s identity, as they are well known as being from Barbados, which is also shown in the music video as there is a lot of repetition of the Barbados flag in the video.

I didn’t want the ancillary images to relate too much with the music video concept, as I wanted the ancillary images to present more Bajan than British and to create less of a fusion in the images. Creating the ancillary images I kept in consideration the use of colours as this would help portray the Caribbean element of the music but I also tried to not over power the image with bright colours. The band name ‘Cover Drive’ I made big so it was eye-catching to fans that can recognise them and kept the type the exact same as Cover Drive’s as it is Cover Drive’s iconography. I needed to make sure the text of ‘Bajan Style’ was smaller than the band name as then this showed that the name of the album was Bajan Style and the band name was Cover Drive. I believe it fit well into the codes and conventions as I kept the type same or similar to the Cover Drive’s album. This is why I kept the band name type the exact same but had a similar type with Bajan Style. For the back cover I used a simple image of my hand holding the Barbados flag, this is because I didn’t want to overpower the flag and I felt that have a whole body image of me wouldn’t look right as it would be too similar to the front cover. The magazine advert I believe fit in well with the typical codes and conventions. This is because I extended the main image, which was the same image on the front cover, to be able to write the information underneath the image, at the bottom of the advert. I used the front cover of album for my main image on my magazine advert as this way it would be easily recognisable to see the album if it was in stores or online. I also had the record company logo in the bottom left corner, as well as the release of the album and featuring hit singles, which is a typical code and convention of a magazine advert.

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