Saturday 14 July 2012

Creative task

In class we were put into groups to work on a creative task where we are given a song (Another Brick In The Wall by Pink Floyd) and we have to record a music video for it within 2 weeks.

During our research we were looking at other music videos that had a similar message behind the song about rebelling and school. We did this to try and get an idea of what we could portray in our video. We looked at videos from other bands such as Busted, My Chemical Romance, Linkin' Park and videos from Britney Spears. We tried to find as many videos possible that were set in a school so we could get inspiration on the locations and shots.

As we had a short amount of time to complete this task, we resulted in using one of our group members to be in the video and mess around to signify the rebellious theme in the song. We also didn't want a storyline narrative, we wanted it to be all over the place to reflect the song for example highlighting the pressures of school.

This is our final piece

I felt I have learnt from this task, as for my main task for my music video I will make sure I give myself enough time to film and edit as well as plan what I want to film and I have reminded myself how to use Final Cut Pro and the different tools.

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