Monday 25 June 2012

Other songs by Cover Drive

Before I decided to do the song Bajan Style, I had a look at the other songs I could possibly do by the band. I first thought this song Can't Live In A World would be a good choice.

However after listening to it over and thinking of possible ideas for the video, I felt that as it is a much slower song it would be harder to catch the viewers attention and interest and thinking location spots would be difficult.

Another song I had in mind was Headphones

After thinking about this song, I thought that this kind of song would be best filmed on a beach like a beach party but not really on a British beach and also with a lot of people in the mise-en-scene so I decided not to go with this song as it would not be possible to go with the ideas I had.

I then thought of the song Explode 

However it was announced a week later that they were working on a music video for it so I had to use another song therefore resulted in using Bajan Style.

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